What are carding and woolen techniques?
The carding/wooling of the knit is a finish which makes it possible to extract the heart of the knit to obtain a very soft woolly effect.
At Embroidery Forza Giovane we obtain this technique with the use of naturally grown vegetable thistles which, rotating inside a roller, extract the textile fiber.
We can create all-over, placed, gradient and patterned work. This carding/wooling process is particularly appreciated because it makes the knit soft and at the same time aesthetically very particular and unique in its kind.
Depending on the regulation and rotation speed of the thistles as well as the fineness and density of the fibres, a more or less deep raising is obtained.
The customer can then choose to have a “combed” version or not according to his needs.
Carding history?
Not so distant historical times, this technique was performed with dried flowers of woolly thistle or with bristly skins of porcupine quills. Thistle flowers, are full of thorns and when they were picked they were dry. They were joined as if they were a bouquet of flowers arranged in parallel rows, so as to form a brush. So, when we worked on the surface of a tissue, we pulled out the hairs precisely the technique we are talking about!
These brushes, which could be described as rudimentary, were then followed by those made of metal with teeth. Today, vegetable thistles are used and are used to work fine fibers such as cashmere for example. This is because they give a touch of modernity and beauty as well as softness.
Is carding essential?
In some cases, we can say that it is really important, precisely because it allows you to bring a fabric back to life. It is a very important operation because it allows to work the textile fibers and to disentangle them to make them parallel and obviously free of any type of foreign matter not being part of the creative work.
The use of specific processing techniques is part of our services. To request a free quote, just ask.
Some works with the carding technique made by Embroidery Forza Giovane